Guilherme Chan,
Front-End Dev/
UX Designer


I am a creator in the broad sense of the word, a hardworking avid learner with a passion for improvement, innovation, and growth through new experiences.

React is my primary stack, and I have a strong passion for using it with Tailwind CSS. I am also proficient in Angular and React Native, with a deep understanding of API handling. Specializing in Frontend and UX Design, I leverage my UX background to integrate key design principles into my development work, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Beyond coding and design, I enjoy music, video games, going to the gym, cartoons, animation, and art.

In the coming years, my goal is to continually enhance my development skills and expand my knowledge. I aim to learn new practices and languages, staying at the forefront of technology and innovation.




If you want to talk about a job opportunity, a freelance project or just grab some coffee and talk about life, I'm into it!

Thank you for your time!